Progress post #132: Powerup work!

Today saw another stream! This time I managed to actually work a bit more diligently on ESA 2. I implemented a bunch of powerups and added powerup collection flags to all of the ones currently implemented, and worked a bit on the editor. One of my goals was to get editing the parallax layers working properly, but that turned out to be very very nasty so I left it for later.

I also worked a bit on Baba Is You; the “themes” as they’re called have been the object of interest for a bit now, and I continued making the work. I’m really proud of how handy the menu system of Baba’s is; my earlier games have had very clunky and manually-coded menus and Baba’s more dynamic affair makes the level editor *way* easier to structure. I shied away from the nastiest bit of theme work, though; hopefully it won’t take too long to get to that.

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