Excavatorrr 2 is out!

Yeah! Yay. Even though I should feel bad for not spending this time to work on ESA, I’m quite happy to be able to put out a game after a long long time without any “serious” releases. Since I’m in a kind of a hurry, I’ll just drop the download link here and let you figure out the rest. Hopefully it’s not too frustrating! I think I’ll make some patches as problems occur.



As for ESA, I’ve been fixing some ages-old bugs and problems with it, and seeing some real nuisances squished out is really invigorating my interest in working on that one. So good news, I suppose!


  1. tocoral says:

    Hi ! Really great game, and I love the music. I managed to get the crown but there’s still that lava cave to solve… Could you give me an clue on how to open the rock crate ?

  2. Del_Duio says:


    I didn’t know you had made a sequel to one of my very favorite indie games ever, the awesome (and never enough “R”‘s) Excavatorrr! I’ll check it out right away, thanks for making this it looks great!

  3. Haris1977 says:

    Well..my esc button doesn’t work. How do i go to the main screen?

  4. Lexander says:

    A Question: Can you edit the controls to use numpad? If so, what is the actual thing that I have to input?

    • Hempuli says:

      If numlock is ON, just set it to whatever number corresponds to the numpad button (UP = 8 etc)
      If numlock is OFF, treat them as it says on the button (numpad 8 = up, numpad 7 = home etc)

  5. geogeo222 says:

    This game is a fantastic game! It’s extremely rewarding to see how much I am improving over the couple days I’ve been playing, and it’s very apparent. I simply can’t put this game down. The difficulty is, I would say… unforgiving, certainly. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. It lends a very emergent quality to the gameplay and the methodology you use to progress, on TOP of the rogue-like elements you have implemented. It’s also very fun figuring out how the various implements at your disposal work, and the various goals to work toward. Great, great job! I’ve gotten as far as the haunted diamond and killed a single enemy in the brick area, then died. :P Believe it or not, I was extremely proud of this, as I’ve been working on getting there for days!
    By the way I heard of this game through an Indie Impressions video by a YouTuber by the name of RockLeeSmile. He gave your game a very nice play and you may want to thank him for the video, and tell him thanks from me as well for recommending this addictive game!

  6. Meh says:

    My god! I put the gold key in the key hole. :)

  7. Hempuli says:

    Sorry about that! To be honest, with some tweaks (and me paying some money) an iOS port should be feasible… Have you tried Wine (assuming you’re on Linux)?

    • Ellie says:

      Linux user here, how’s the compatibility with Wine? Also would it be possible for you to release the source so some of us could compile it ourselves? Or maybe create a .deb/.rpm file? This game looks awesome.

      • Hempuli says:

        The game should be compatible with Wine, from what I’ve heard. Unfortunately the game was made using a game creation program, so even if I released the source, it wouldn’t be of much use. I hope you get the game working!

  8. Louis says:

    WINDOWS ONLY folks.

  9. Hempuli says:

    Some comments were spammified, sorry for the late reply!

    Anonymous: I can upload it at some point, but I don’t have it nearby right now.

    Sergio: I guess I should implement the game remembering the name last entered. Thanks!

    Meh: They’re in a “secret” area!

    Dom2D: Walk to the chest with the key in hand. Note that the blue chest is opened with the blue key; I fear I forgot to add a comment on trying to use the golden key to the blue chest. Sorry about that!

  10. POPcade says:

    The in-game tune is great, I want to listen it while work or use as ringtne.

  11. Hempuli says:

    (The gold thing was there up until the very last minute. I’m actually quite happy I managed to fix it in the end)

    I’m going to make the game easier!

  12. Sergio says:

    Do you have to re-enter your name every time you die? That’s incredibly annoying. Otherwise, this seems like a promising game so far…

  13. Meh says:

    The “Fire” blocks are not in it?

  14. jsn says:

    Terrific game, but like some others said, quite hard. It’s not even the number of enemies but their behaviour. Already at the top levels you encounter two enemies you can’t kill (snails and ghosts), and one enemy you can’t reach without problems (mean flower). My solution for ghosts was to lure them someplace where their soul won’t become a problem (e.g. the surface), but that kind of breaks the flow. Mean flowers I just try to avoid altogether (since they frequently come in pairs), and snails are a constant problem, unless you want to spend money on weapons to actually kill them. And finally, it is a bit difficult to judge distances when using the pickaxe – sometimes it seems like you’re killing an enemy without the pickaxe actually touching them.

    That said, the difficulty level still doesn’t deter me from trying again and again, eh.

    (Oh, and when solid rock blocks fall on gold, the gold no longer floats to the top. Kind of sad, I really liked that in the first game. Surreal but so nice.)

  15. Dom2D says:

    How do you open the chest, once you’ve acquired a key?

  16. bunbun says:

    did you upload excavatorrr 1 by accident? cause the game from the “GET THE GAME!” i downloaded (WAS STILL FUn) but doesn’t look like all the screenshots youve been uploading.
    or maybe im just confused.

  17. Anonymous says:

    (Not about this game)
    Do you have the Paradise fort source around still?

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