
I released yet another update to Masjin; this time to fix a bug that has made joining games almost impossible lately. Not that anyone ever playes the game, I just felt sentimental and wanted to play around a bit. Maybe I’ll organize a game someday.


  1. Zed says:

    Wasnt able to host for some reason. Pressing any button does not do anything in the host screen.

  2. BozoDel says:

    When we host games, are we hosting servers or just hosting games on your server?

  3. Hempuli says:

    Thanks for the comments! Unfortunately I’ve pretty much quit updating/patching Masjin simply due to the sheer amount of stuff that’s wrong/broken right now. It has been interesting to follow people playing the game, and I hope that someday I’ll be able to create some kind of an updated version. As it is, though, the game has its bugs and such. Sorry about that :(

    I hope you’re aware that only the host needs a level file for the game to use it! The game’ll automatically send the map to the joining players.

  4. BozoDel says:

    There’s ONE SENTENCE I can’t post here for some reason. It’s about that one level I made which doesn’t work at all. I think it’s cursed.

  5. BozoDel says:

    I wondered if these issues could be caused by Linux/WINE, but I’ve tested all bugs on a friend’s Windows and it’s the same.

    The levels are still playable, people just need to be aware of the limitations.

    Congrats on the lovely game! I’ll see if I can get more people to play it.

    P.S.: I still have some map ideas. Some can be made right away, some will have to wait. I’ll probably update that map pack, add some more info. Also, I’m gonna put a level by you and another by mokesmoe in there (with due credits, of course), hope you don’t mind.

  6. BozoDel says:

    Hi there! I recently found out about this game and fell in love with it. Already made a few levels:
    I had the luck to find a few people playing who had also just found out about it too. I hope the bugs I found didn’t drive them away though. Dunno if you know about them already, but it doesn’t hurt to tell. These bugs only happen in levels made with the editor:
    1- players can’t plant turrets (probably everyone but the host).
    2- players can’t exit planes (probably everyone but the host).
    3- sometimes blue/red barriers become invisible and/or don’t work properly.
    4- there’s one area (perhaps more) that’s not buildable in all editor-made levels. Try the “kdponte2” level, and build a bridge to the right, you’ll soon find it.

  7. BozoDel says:

    okay, it seems the comment I’m trying to post is just too big. so I’m gonna split it in parts (ignore this one too)

  8. BozoDel says:

    testing testing

    just checking if you received my comment. if you did, just ignore this one

  9. Battj says:

    Still lovin’ it.

  10. Qimzanzxqnr says:

    I know this a bit late, but thanks Hempuli!
    I’ve really wanted to play this with my friends for ages, but had connection issues a-plenty :)
    Hopefully this should fix things up :)

  11. AnS says:

    Yeah, even I run the game from time to time, remembering all the fun we had last year.
    But recently there seems to be a bug with creating rooms that don’t appear in the list, so noone can join. Please look at it, after all it’s your best project so far, Hemp.

  12. Pepper says:

    WE PLAY DAMMIT. Older build though, and only when we can manage to get a few people together.

  13. André Fialho says:

    Man, thanks for this game. It’s becoming more and more popular in Brazil. I’ve played with my friends from college almost everyday this month. Thank you.

    P.S.: the Level Editor, how can I create a Science Lab/Balcony/etc. to red team? I just can build to blue team (on that map you posted, there’s no red SciLab/Balcony/etc., only blue players can buy something :/)

    Keep on truckin’, brother!

    • Hempuli says:

      I’m not sure what you mean – you can’t add those texts in the editor, and this far the shops have worked for both teams. It should work so that in level editor-made levels, all shops are free for both teams.

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