
I guess I mostly just post about paper puzzles here these days. Maybe that’s not a bad thing? Anyway, I recently came up with this new thing; it’s a bit… odd? But I quite like it.

It was suggested that I should implement my paper puzzles in or penpa to make solving them easier. I like the idea, but I have to admit that at least for now it’d be a bit too much work. Maybe I’ll go through all the ones I’ve posted so far and update them at once at some point?

And here’re some puzzles for this genre!


  1. rex4 says:

    Thanks for listening about penpa, I understand that it would be more work. My only real concern is about drawing horizontal and vertical lines easily, it seems like such simple thing is not possible no matter what, closest way is to use gimp and press both shift + ctrl while drawing and even so it might make 15° lines, quite a shame because this is really what demotivated me for years to play new puzzles about drawing a loop. That was until I met where there isn’t that problem.

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