Oh! My Roommate Is a Lasergun?!

The blind speedrunning community (i.e. people who speedrun games they haven’t seen before, prima vista) had a showcase of their Mystery Tournament last weekend on the Games Done Quick Twitch channel, and as a special thing I made a small game for them to speedrun. The game I made is called Oh! My Roommate Is a Lasergun?!, and it’s essentially a remake of GENERIC Platformer, which I made in 2009. The game utilizes old things in other ways, too; the background art was originally made for… Timerocketxby? Or maybe GENERIC itself? It’s hard to remember. Anyway, I recycled the assets here. The music was also originally made as little Shovel Knight -inspired test tunes in 2016, but with a little touching-up they made for very fine in-game tracks.



  1. Westley says:

    Very quick follow up to my last comment. I’m going to link you to the world record speedrun of your game just in case you’re interested (:


  2. Westley says:

    I just want to say that I’m absolutely in love with this game. I’ve never had more fun speedrunning before! It’s an absolute blast routing and finding glitches, and all that I’m really left asking is will there be more? Are you planning on fleshing out this game, or will it stay in it’s current state? If you are going to continue with this project, I would love to test, or help out in any way that I can. My specialty is finding glitches. In my very first run of the game, I found the double jump glitch almost instantly, allowing me to get a time of 16 minutes! And once again, if you are planning on continuing with the project it would be nice to see a Mac build of the game. Also, please keep the double jump glitch in this version. It adds much more routing variety to the speedrun. Thank you so much Henpuli for making such a wonderfully buggy speedgame. It has brought a lot more joy to my life than may seem plausible. This is truly something special.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Fun game. How did you come up with the title?

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