Slightly more weekly progress post #97: Discord >:O

Hey! I actually managed to stream on two consecutive weeks! Maybe this is a sign of a brighter future.

I set up a Discord yesterday, comment below if you want a link to it I guess.

Today’s stream was somewhat slow but I still got some handy stuff implemented. I worked on some more map stuff on Baba, and while the map’s low FPS annoys me a lot, the actual thing I set out to do seemed to work! I also started implementing two other things but hesitated because I realized I want to keep the secret.

I also worked on the penguin thing, although admittedly I made less progress than I originally intended. Walljumping was added along with some new assets, but there are some structures that I need to implement soon to get forward with the project.

I think a result of setting up the Discord was there being more people on the stream – there was some nice discussion! Thank you very much for that. :)


  1. Cole says:

    I tried adding the Baba Is You level editor to the file, and it didn’t work, and I also tried doing open the level editor file with babaisyou.exe, but it broke it and now I can’t get in it, is there a way to fix that? please. I have done 187 levels, have all the secret orbs and have spent about 30 hours on that game and I don’t want to have to buy it again and start over. please try to find a way to fix it.

  2. Croq says:

    I’d like to join the discord too :)

  3. Arkyeus says:

    Hey, could I get a link to the discord? thanks!

  4. Francis says:

    Hi, can I get link to Discord??

  5. Willhart says:

    I could use a link. Probably won’t be posting too much though. I’m Vili from Heikkilä, in case you happen to remember me.

  6. Thug says:

    Could I get a link as well?

  7. Ack says:

    Can I get a link too?

  8. Vil says:

    Hey, I want the link to the discord !

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