Weekly progress post #22: Boss things

Today I managed to finish the third and final boss of the first “part” of ESA 2! There’s still a bit of work to be done on the visuals of the boss itself along with some extra cutscenery, but after that it’ll be time to leave the first area of the game for a good while! I’m happy about finally getting this far while simultaneously feeling sared about the scope of the game. Hopefully things will go at least somewhat smoothly in the future…


  1. Jim says:

    I absolutely loved the first ESA. I beat all of the bosses, including the Sans-esque Mwyah fight. It is simply one of the best metroidvanias I have ever played. Words cannot describe how excited I am for the follow-up for this game! I really hope that the endgame here is just as good as it was in the first one!

  2. REGIFISHY says:

    Serpent 6? So happy to see that such a large portion of this one has already been finished! Having just 200%ed (More like 250%…I tortured myself with Ultimate Mwyah and somehow ended up surviving on the thirty second attempt.) the first, I want to play the second as soon as I can.

    I just hope this one doesn’t take 3 and 1/2 years to make…seeing as how I know about this one while it’s still in development. (It took me until January of this year to find out about the first. Also, if there are any errors in this comment, the fact that it was written at 5:02 A.M. may have something to do with it…)

    • Hempuli says:

      Thanks! Really glad to hear you enjoyed the first game, and I hope the MWYAH fight didn’t feel like a complete chore.

      I too really hope that this doesn’t require another 3 years, but it’s very hard to estimate based on what I have now… I definitely don’t have even half of the estimated game content ready, but at the same time I’ve learned to tackle issues a bit better in comparison to ESA development along with having more powerful editor for the game. We’ll see!

      • REGIFISHY says:

        You’re welcome, thank you for making it such a joy to experience!

        I actually felt that the Turbo MWYAH fight was a refreshing change of pace, seeing as how it required you to change your strategy and figure out the patterns in order to prevail. Every attempt was fun (slightly less so when the final phase rendered you invisible…) and challenged me to take less damage in the next try upon failing.

        I really hope the amount of post-game content in this one is as insane as the first; I loved pencil and papering all of the glyph messages (Even though I became practically fluent in the alphabet following the second message), while also wracking my brain trying to figure out what they were referring to. (though, I admit, it did become rather tedious to have to go up to the temple warp, unequip all but three of the upgrades, walk into the sign room, only to figure out that some of them didn’t save, and have to repeat the process again. I admit, most of that was my fault. Aside from that, it was marvelous.)

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