A sudden surprise Masjin update

Huh, well, I ended up updating Masjin slightly. I added some stuff to the Server hoster; so now you can see the IP address players should connect to. I also enabled killstreaks and scoreboards again, because I initially removed them due to bugs with the public larger server.

We tested the server hoster today with some friends and it seemed to work perfectly. If you have problems with the hosting, contact me and we’ll try to figure out something. I’ll probably organize some Masjin nights next week if I have time. :)



I think I should make some more online games in the future, just for fun. :)


  1. okarowarrior says:

    5 years after ive played masjin from first time and i still enjoying it.
    I would love if you put this game on steam free to play (or even on sale)

  2. Daniel says:

    I’ve been playing with some friends and we’ve noticed that on custom maps mini-turrets won’t deploy and you can’t exit planes. I hope you continue to update! This game is loads of fun.

  3. DJMisha says:

    Its realy good game to play. Dont throw it. Many peoples like 2D multiplayer games!

  4. Andrej says:

    Woop! Glad to see this, I used to really enjoy Masjin back when it was still very new.

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