Archive for the ‘Other’ Category.

Monthly update: August 2023

I really need to do these at the end of the month instead of during the next month, I have a lot of stuff from September I’d want to write about!!

Anyway – last month was mostly fairly uneventful. My game projects progressed, the solitaire collection got another new solitaire (not released yet), Planet Keke got its name and moved along at a slow-but-steady pace, same for Mobile Suit Baba & ESA2.

I’ve had a bunch of trouble lately concentrating on my game projects when not streaming. With this in mind the weekly streams have been excellent, but it has meant that I’ve only done work on my projects a couple hours every week, and that doesn’t quite cut it due to how slow everything progresses at the moment. I’ll need to figure out something there…

My favourite procrastination from videogame dev has become… boardgame dev! I designed about 3-ish new boardgames last month, one of which can be seen above. The design processes might spill a bit over to September, hard to remember. Anyway, I have 3 boardgames that I think are almost ready, but that need a final(?) looking-at, as well as writing out the final rules, before I’m happy putting them available. I removed Malsymmetric from my listing because after some thought that one didn’t really feel solid enough. Maybe I should take another look at it…

What else… right, I set up the Mailchimp newsletter thing, and sent the first newsletter at the end of last month! That was exciting! I doubt I’ll have enough content for regular monthly messages, but maybe that’s a positive for most of the people receiving them; makes sense to only send out stuff when there’s something to actually say.

And finally: I graduated! For real this time! I’m now a Master of Psychology, and I also applied for and received official sanctioning so now I’m also a real, proper Psychologist. Nice! I’m planning to join some student events this autumn to get a final taste of university life as a way of saying farewell to that part of my life. I’ll also be drawing a final(?) comic & cover art piece to our student magazine.

I guess that’s it, mostly? As said, it’s hard to remember anymore exactly what took place in August and what’s already September material. Not that any of this really matters, haha.

Monthly(?) Newsletter

I decided to finally set up a mailchimp account in order to be able to let interested people subscribe for some kind of news about my games. This seemed prudent since I bet there’s a bunch of people who didn’t want to move from Twitter to Cohost/Mastodon and thus haven’t been seeing any news stuff related to my projects. You can find the subscription page here.

World Puzzle Championship 2022

Last year I was given the opportunity to make some paper puzzles for the World Puzzle Championship, held in Poland. It was suggested that out of the genres I’ve come up with, Celltinels and Limited Alike might be the best suited for the job, so I ended up making 4 puzzles of varying difficulties for both genres (and an extra Celltinels puzzle for reasons I’m slightly hazy about – I think it was an alternative version of the 3rd puzzle in the set in case the first one was too hard or too easy?) This was really cool and I’m happy I was asked to make them! Thanks! I also do hope that my kinda happy-go-lucky approach to puzzle design didn’t cause too much stress…

There was a one-year embargo on releasing the puzzles outside the event, and that has now passed so after seeing the fellow puzzle designer Menderbug release theirs, I thought I’d go ahead and do the same.

First, here are the rules for both genres as reminders:

Celltinels rules, formatted in a very awkward way because this was one of the first paper puzzletypes I ever made. Click for big.

Note! The clue numbers block the “vision” of other clues!

And here are the puzzles:

What happened in July

I guess I could try doing a monthly update, since weekly updates were clearly too difficult for me and several of the past blogposts have been kind of general “what’s been going on” style affairs.

1: Kepi

I released another boardgame! The main motivator for making it was that I had these wooden sticks that felt difficult to use because they were cylindrical and as such rolled really easily. I bought a cheap “Yankee scarf” for 1,5€ in the local dollar store equivalent to help with the rolling, and in the end was very satisfied with the overall look. The game turned out to have some stalemating issues, but a rule addition suggested by pinchazumos seems to have fixed that. Thanks! You can download the rules for free here.

2: First Planet Keke song

I almost-finished the first tune for this game, and decided to make a proper preview video to showcase it! There are little details that I still want to adjust in the song, but overall I’m happy with it. The game has also been coming along pretty nicely, although there’s plenty left to do.

3: Watercolours

I had a small notebook and decided to do some little paintings in it. It was fun to paint again, and the small size ensured that being more haphazard about it didn’t feel bad.

4: Summer cottage

I spent a couple days at our summer cottage. It was neat! Photo not mine.

5: New Baba tactics game work

I hadn’t worked on this for a while, so it was nice to get some new work done on it.

Comic, games + more

First of all, I made another little comic!

Second of all, I went and updated the website so that there are no more imgur links in the game screenshots; I noticed that some of those links had died and it made sense to go for entirely local images. I should eventually also add local download links for those games that only offer an link, I think. We’ll see. I also shuffled the games around a bit because I felt that some notably tiny games were in the “medium games” category and vice versa. Also some games graduated to the “big games” category! I should really rethink the category system altogether…

Third of all, the paper puzzle collection has been updated with the latest puzzle types like Equal measures and Diagaquarium.

Fourth of all – I made Masjin available again! The server’s still dead, but at least you can download the game (and the server hosting tool is likewise available again).

Fifth and final of all, have some screenshots of the games I’m working on:

Comic, borthday + paper puzzle collection!

I made an extremely juvenile 6-page comic called Wasserkloset Destiny:Ultra! You can read it here:

My birthday was a couple days ago and a friend made me a cool birthday Baba card! It’s cool!

I’ve also updated the Paper Puzzle collection with the Equal measures puzzles, as well as a new Diagaquarium puzzle. You can see that below alongside another new Equal measures puzzle.

Drawings and paintings!

I posted some drawings I doodled as a part of a Stars Without Number campaign my friend is running earlier this year; I’ve since drawn more of them, as well as painted a couple other small pieces, so have at you:

Boardgame fun!

I made a small abstract boardgame! It’s so small, in fact, that all the components fit in a normal playing card box:

I’ve accumulated a lot of boardgame components over the past ~2 years because I was playing more boardgames in general and got the itch to design my own. To a large extent buying components was one of those unhealthy “I can justify this as vaguely useful and it gives me happy feelings” shopping habit things; I have currently more various game pieces, coins and other such bits than I’d probably need. Not great, but ideally I’ll eventually utilize all those bits and pieces in one way or another.

Anyway!! I recently read the book Lautapelien Historia (translates to ‘History of Boardgames‘) by Ari Saastamoinen; it was fairly interesting, although fairly lopsided in favour of chess & go. The book concentrating on abstract games (combined with the aforementioned accumulation of boardgame components) made me want to design a simple abstract boardgame. I’m not a very skilled boardgame designed but crafting the board and pieces was fun. I’ll probably post the rules here once I’m happy with them.

In other news, I’ve been steadily working on several projects for the past months. ESA2 progresses at a fairly steady pace, while the Keke rocket game and the Into the Breach -esque puzzler have had some chugs in development, followed usually by bursts of activity. On top of these 3 there’s also a collection of solitaires I’ve been making in Löve2D, inspired, again, by the Zachtronics Solitaire Collection. Compared to the others, this game is a bit more limited in scope, and as such I managed to even put out a beta version with 8 solitaires included (including Babataire & Babataire EX, now with more appropriate names)! You can download that version on

Font images!

I’ve drawn a ton of different fonts over the years for various games without really thinking about it that much further. Some time ago I wondered if it’d be cool to extract them from the Fusion project files and put them available for download, and seeing the cool font packages by SysL convinced me to do it.

Sadly, since I have very low skills at fontmaking, I wasn’t able to figure out FontForge (suggested by Shinmera) to make TTF files to accompany the fonts; so for now, the bundle contains just a spritesheet with the symbols. Hopefully this can change later.

Anyway, check the fonts here!

Stuff I’ve made, 2006-2023

I went through my “finished games” folder to make a spreadsheet of how many games I’ve finished each year, and made a graph about the info gathered. Said folder contains a bunch of non-game programs or things that were submitted for e.g. Ludum Dare but were never really properly finished, so the results aren’t exactly 100% accurate, but it was a fun if self-indulgent pastime. One big point of inaccuracy is also that the 2006 data probably doesn’t contain some old things I thought of as finished but never put available anywhere because, well, they were terrible or I didn’t have a website yet to put them on.

I also went and included some titles I worked on but don’t keep in a personal “finished thing” folder, such as Noita or the ancient Abstractica games.

Also made an updated version later with some even earlier stuff in!