SERVER TOOL VERSION * There's now a server tool available. You can find it in my blog, * Some of the old code was broken, fixed that (this took several updates!) NEW VERSION * New item, the black hole bomb! I fear it's too cheap right now, but we'll see! * Hopefully fixed the bugs in the level creation! * Vehicles can now be placed in the editor! * The gamemode limits go now to 999 instead of 250! I didn't test this fully, though, so I hope you report any bugs here. * People with good enough streak leave a red particle effect. Look out! * Added myself a particle effect to further separate me from other players, nyah nyah! * Mechs can no longer instakill people in short corridors! * Improved the napalm bombs a lot! XYZ * Level editor added! It is still probably very buggy. NOTE: Sometimes the save- and load-functions wont work! Check this before starting! 1.9 * New server build! This is most probably a good thing, and will later allow IP-bans and such. * Dedicated server! Thanks, Jamie and Mathias, you guys rock! * New research subject - shopping time for the engineers! * Ninja cloak was removed from research; it's now available right away. * Various bugfixes * If a player breaks down (is left swimming mid-air, immortal etc), the game attempts to remove them so that they can't spoil the game for others. * Emoticons (sorta!) - push number buttons and experience beauty! * Something else, possibly, can't just remember what 1.8 * Added banning! Banned players are put into a blacklist in the game folder, so you can conveniently remove them if needed. Type '/ban USERNAME' in-game to ban a player. Due to me using an outdated version of Lacewing, bans are username-based so they're VERY easy to dodge. Working on that; I'll try to update Lacewing and hope it doesn't break everything. * Mucus grenade buffed significantly, maybe even too significantly! * Engineer's shop changed a lot; now you need to stand still a while before you get to the shop, but at least the prices are back to normal. * Added two more slopes to the builder. * Joining a game should be much less of a hassle. I fear though that there might be bugs in this. 1.7 * New class, the engineer! Stand still and press Z to open his own special fabricator. Since there are no other downsides but increased price, I imagine they'll need some balancing. But hey, they're here anyhoo. * Moved the turret healing ability from cybermasons to engineers. * Fixed a couple weird bugs. * The game now shows information about the gamemode as you join. * You can leave a buy menu just by clicking anywhere. * There was a really easily exploitable builder glitch that allowed basically unlimited griefing; fixed that and trying it again makes you suicide so don't even try! * Fixed a really dumb bug about money. Protip: when you send signed bytes remember to check if the value sent is between -128-128! 1.6 * Turrets should now work proper. No more nameless killers! Also if a player logs off, his turrets disappear. * You can't use the fabricators and such in the enemy base. This kinda sucks, I know, but there were some really annoying tactics around. * There was a silly bug in the Ore Race that made it horrendously unfair for the red team, but now it's fixed. 1.5 * A little tutorial-like thing added. It's a bit empty at the moment, I need to add more stuff to it. * Mucus grenade buffed a lot! * Hand tele made ninja-cloakable * Fixed lots of small bugs and a couple bigger ones! * Added a nice little tooltip to the shop screen to give a bit of information about the items. * Removed that dumb level type. * In ore race, a team earns 5 ore by killing someone in the opposing team. 1.4 * New item, the mucous grenade (I actually misspelled that one but it kind of fits, still). It slows people down; mainly created against the speed+ chip. * Speed+ chip has been returned back to its former glory due to player feedback. * The mines now remember who put them down, so there should be no more 'killed by !' -messages on that part. There's still the same bug with some other weapons, though. * New gamemode, 'Ore race'! I fear this may be magnificently boring, but I kind of like the idea so we'll see what happens! The idea is to collect all the ore. As an interesting sidenote, I haven't tested if it's winnable, derp. * Some small bugfixes. * More domination lines; 5 in total. Some people are really good at this game, huh. 1.3 * A new really silly domination system; get enough kills during one 'life' and you'll get complimentary messages! (teamkills count but I'm working on that!) Also these dominations can be seen in the status summary screen. * You can now see the upgrades of your team without looking into the research menu; they appear as neat little icons on the right-hand side of the screen! * Missile packs buffed to be a bit more worthwhile * You no longer can teleport when holding a flag (what a stupid thing to forget, haha) 1.2 * Fixed more bugs (nothing very remarkable though) * Added a new level layout variation * New item, the hand tele! With it, you can teleport to any teammate who's also holding one. Kinda weird but we'll see what'll happen. 1.1 * Fixed a couple more bugs * Turrets have been buffed * Speed+ chip has been nerfed * There're now 3 items that become invisible with the ninja cloak; they've been marked with a small ninja head (It may be that the ninja is now insanely overpowered!) * Radar radius has been increased * cybermasons can now fix turrets by standing next to them (hopefully this doesn't make them too OP; we'll see) * The safety blocks can be turned off when hosting a game * Balanced the audio a bit * More price balancing Full Version 1.0 * Player profiles * Profile-specific statistics for your delight * New, improved menus * A proper readme (WOAH) * Musics and more sound effects * In-game summary thing (accessible via SPACE) * Some bugfixes * Some price balancing * Builders can now build ramps 1.76 * New gamemode, 'score'! This is basically the team deathmatch idea suggested earlier. * The gamemodes should be more reliable now, i.e. you shouldn't get stuff related to the wrong gamemode now. * Fixed several bugs, including the one related to respawning with a flag. You can now respawn with them, but they'll be sent back to their original place if you do so. Also the weird turret bug was fixed. * In sandbox, you're no longer restricted to the base if playing alone. 1.75 * Two new gamemodes, sandbox and 'hold the flag', the latter of which may be horribly broken! * bugfixes * Some price balancing 1.74 * Bugfixes galore * I tried to do the fixes to the lobby that Qqwy suggested, but they do not seem to work! Harrumph * Two new research subjects, 'building' and 'yield'! * You can no longer take the flag to the spawn point 1.73 * Lots of bugfixes! * New item, the levitating mine * You can now select the shape of the level * Pressing F1 in-game makes everyone update the flag positions * Cybermasons now get money from kills. 1.72 * Capture the flag! * A menu where you can set some parameters for the game before hosting. * The game list now shows the number of players. * The builder is now slightly faster. 1.71 * New logo * Made the winning/losing screens better. Still needs a lot of work though! * Balanced some prices * Fixed bugs * Players now get a radar in the beginning of the round, and dirt bombs don't work at the control point. 1.70 * Lowered prices again. * Added two new research subjects, digging speed and healing. Also added one new level to ninja research. * Made the poison more potent. * New item, the dirt bomb! * I redesigned the control point to make it less tight. * Radar is now back, hopefully it works this time around. * Bugfixes, mostly small but I hopefully fixed one bigger one, related to joining to games. 1.69 * Made the lobby even nicer * Added the ninja * Ninja cloaking is a research subject * Fixed two really stupid bugs and a couple smaller ones * New item, the poison bomb * Altered the prices a bit * New item, the radar 1.68 * Small graphical update to the locks * bugfixes and tweaks * I made the lobby a bit less busy. Now you'll know when someone joins a game. * Teams now start with 300 money. 1.67 * Bugfixes, such as the one related to turrets. * Implemented the vehicle lock. Now all vehicles are 'locked' to a certain team, and the other team has to 'unlock' them to use them. Unlocking happens by just standing in front of a vehicle with a lock above them. * A new item, the loyalty chip, that instantly makes a "teamless" machine locked to your team. * You can now view a changelog for the new updates. * Really unfinished research. You can currently only research bonus health up to 200 hp. * Missiles now do more damage to people in vehicles. 1.66 * Buffed flashbangs, rockets, turrets * Made the Spy ID also change your name! * A new item, the napalm bottle * Bugfixing, lots of small stuff * Spruces! 1.65 * Destroyable vehicles removed for the sake of bugs. * Damage should be fully or at least mostly clientside now, which should fix some bugs. * The game now remembers your last-entered nickname. * You can change the server and port in the 'server.txt', but the hosting app isn't ready yet! * Boosted both turrets and speed chips. * You can now only see games that use the same version as you in the lobby. This should make it harder to break the games of other people by barging in with an outdated version! * A new item, the Spy ID! I really like the concept, hopefully you will as well. 1.64 * Vehicles can be destroyed now! This is probably hilariously buggy at the moment, so please report all weird things as usual. Smiley * Fixed a huge bug in item management. Basically all the vehicles/items that the round started with were reset for each player joining, which resulted in stupid bugs. * Other small bugs are now fixed, again again * Cybermasons can now also dig ore! This is crucial since the diggers may disappear as the game goes on. 1.63 * Fixed one enormous bug with the new turrets * Made the scientists not heal scientists * Added autoupdating (the game looks automatically for updates once every day, after which you'll have to do it manually) * Added a new fabricator for machines. This'll be necessary when I add destroyable vehicles. * Portable turret! (Which may be horribly broken, we'll see) * The safety areas heal you now * Speed implants, that give you a permanent speed boost until you die. 1.62 * Bushes! (They do nothing and the sprite is quite ugly, but nonetheless!) * Machine independent speed. This may cause bugs, please report if so! * A small sign that tells if someone is typing, hurt or flashbanged. quite useful. * The usual lot of smaller bugfixes. 1.61 * In-game control changing! * Chatlogs and ability to save them * New item, a box of five rockets! * Bugfixes as always * I'm testing a short unfinished music provided by shojin in this version. Please do give feedback! It's very short currently, though. * Nicer starting menus * You can now safely drop items with down + throw * I changed the shape of the base to accommodate UFOs and mech suits better * You can now make and join private games. Type the name of the game to the host bar and press "join/create private"! 1.60 * Added the mech suit! * Added gravity grenades! * Added some decoration to the menus (not enough yet!) * Made the game selection list not blink and remove your selection * Made the UFO-like vehicle buyable * Fixed more bugs in the ore