Special update for ESA coming 18th of October

Just that! There’ll be new content and secrets, and some much-needed bugfixes. Yay!

Steam announcement here!


I’ve been doodling some characters for a story idea which is based on a concept I’ve been pondering and working on for some years now. This story idea is basically the third iteration of the concept, although I think I want to work the second story iteration into a separate work (a comic, maybe?) ESA was such an action-oriented game that it would be cool to make a game with an emphasis on story. It could also help overcome certain fears related to expressing more emotional dialogue (I usually feel terribly self-aware if I try to do that; not uncommon but it’d be cool to get over it).

I’ve played Undertale a lot lately, what a great game! It handles some game conventions in a really fresh way and has mostly amazingly good writing, both of which are rare sights in indie games. The soundtrack is also rather good. Gushing about the game here is probably kind of redundant, seeing how much attention it has gotten, but eh, I enjoyed it and wanted to say that. Here’s the Steam page.


  1. Meh says:

    I better get back to the game and get 200% before the 18th then. :p

  2. Arcvalons says:

    Hello. Sorry for being off-topic, but I was wondering, what happened to the world generator you were working on so many years ago? It looked pretty cool and It’d be wonderful if you could release it at some point!.

  3. MundM says:

    Indeed! Undertale is one of those games, that beats most triple A games this year in terms of quality content and experience. I wished you made the update for ESA as paid dlc, you really deserve the coins!

  4. Micah says:

    I felt the same thing when I played Undertale. “Dang, I want to make a game with a great story!”

    And I bet I would really enjoy a story-driven game that you made.

    • Hempuli says:

      Haha, well, that depends on whether I’d be able to tell the story or not. But thanks! Maybe one day.
      The feeling of being inspired by a great game is both wonderful and terrible at the same time because on one hand inspiration is always nice, but on the other hand it’s very hard to break free of the ideas the game gave you and not just start imitating it.

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